About Me

Points of Interest:

  • I’m gay, in my early-30’s and living in the Chicago area.
  • I just moved in with my boyfriend of four years–experiencing all the highs & lows of building a home with someone else.
  • I discovered recently that I have a passion for tea.
  • My ideal day is sunny but not too hot and filled with good stories, good company, good food and I’d top it off with a bold glass of red wine.
  • I frequently and shamelessly have full-blown conversations with my cat.
  • I have a BA and an MA in Literature/English.
  • I’ve spent the bulk of my adult life working in retail management.

Finer Points:

One time my mom said to me: “Jeff, when you were little–you used to talk from the moment you woke up in the morning until about 10 minutes after I put you to bed at night.”

Needless to say, I’ve always been a person with a lot to say. Sometimes there’s comfort in consistency, right?

I read a lot of books. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Memoirs, Romance, Classics, Popular Literature, Young Adult Fiction–I’m pretty equal opportunity when it comes to literature. Because what’s also true about me is that I’ve always been interested in hearing what other people have to say.

Well, almost always. There was a brief period of time in my early to mid-twenties where I couldn’t seem to focus on anyone else but me. I like to think I’m in the majority on that one–but it certainly wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten it wrong.

If you’ve got a story to share, I’d love to hear it–check out the my contact section for details!

The JEFF Method:

I’ve spent a lot of time in my life believing this huge adventure was just waiting for me around the corner and my one true job was to keep my eyes and ears open so it wouldn’t pass me by.

At the risk of sounding completely trite, what I’ve learned along the way is that sometimes the real journey can happen right in your own backyard.

Whether I’m doing  something I’ve always dreamed of or doing just what I can to keep my head above water while I figure it all out–there can be beauty there. And, what’s more, it’s all there for my examination.

I’m not entirely certain where this will lead me but I’m content in exploring the feeling that I have something to say and will hopefully find some kind of joy, focus, and fulfillment along the way.