I’m going to acknowledge the awkwardness and just put it out there–I began this blog with the greatest of intentions but failed when it came to follow-through. There are a number of reasons for that, but allow me to give you the short version: I very unwisely wanted to tailor this space into a blog that would be chock full of intriguing and inspirational content despite my stated intentions to use this as a creative platform to write, reflect &  hopefully engage in a dialogue.

The Jeff Method isn’t very complicated or even revolutionary. In theory, I read a lot of books, try to make time for silence and reflection, and oftentimes try to make sense of the world around me the best way I can manage–oftentimes, it’s through the lens of the books I read, music I’ve been listening to, films I’ve seen, etc. What makes it unique is that wherever it all leads belongs to me and is mine to share.

It seems to me that there’s a huge focus of late on finding out what it is about ourselves that makes us “interesting” or sets us apart from other people–if we can identify that uniqueness, that special something about ourselves, then there should be a way to market that and profit from it. There’s nothing wrong with that approach, and I applaud anyone who finds success and happiness marching down that path.

The time we spend soul-searching, trying to know ourselves and the world around us better, and attempting to tap into the things we’re truly passionate about is never wasteful. If I’ve been fortunate enough to find things in life that bring joy and fuel my passion, that is something fantastic enough to revel in and share with others.

It’s time to focus more on showing up, being present and doing some critical thinking and less on what will generate the most likes, loves, and literal thumbs up.

Are you with me, friends?

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